The Alarming Level of Poverty in Nigeria today is frightening urgent attentions required – Abayomi Odunowo

The Alarming Level of Poverty in Nigeria today is frightening urgent attentions required – Abayomi Odunowo

Poverty is a pervasive social issue that affects individuals, families, and communities across the world. It is a complex and multifaceted problem that manifests itself in various forms, including economic hardship, lack of access to basic necessities, and limited opportunities for social and economic mobility. Poverty can lead to desperation and frustration, which can in turn fuel revolution and crime.

The connection between poverty and revolution is rooted in the fundamental concept of social inequality. When a large segment of the population is deprived of the basic resources and opportunities needed to thrive, it will lead to simmering discontent and frustration. This discontent will eventually boil over into revolution, as the marginalized and disenfranchised seek to overthrow the existing social and political order and demand change.

History is replete with examples of how poverty has contributed to revolutions and uprisings. The French Revolution, for instance, was fueled in part by widespread poverty and inequality, as the lower classes struggled to make ends meet while the aristocracy lived in luxury. Similarly, the Russian Revolution was driven by the widespread poverty and hardship experienced by the working class and peasants, who were denied basic rights and opportunities by the ruling class.

Poverty will also lead to crime, as individuals who lack access to basic resources and opportunities will turn to illegal means to survive. The desperation and frustration that come with poverty will drive individuals to engage in criminal activities such as kidnappings, theft, drug trafficking, and violence. Furthermore, poverty will contribute to a sense of hopelessness and nihilism, which can lead to a disregard for social norms and values.

In the United States, for example, studies have consistently shown a correlation between poverty and crime, with individuals living in impoverished neighborhoods being more likely to engage in criminal behavior. The lack of economic opportunities and limited access to quality education and social services in these communities always contribute to a cycle of crime and poverty, as individuals struggle to break free from the constraints of their circumstances.

Poverty will also foster a sense of alienation and disenfranchisement, making individuals more susceptible to radicalization and extremist ideologies. When people feel marginalized and excluded from mainstream society, they will be more vulnerable to the appeals of revolutionary movements and extremist groups that promise to address their grievances and provide solutions to their problems.

The relationship between poverty, revolution, and crime is a complex and dynamic one, shaped by a multitude of social, economic, and political factors. It is important for policymakers and stakeholders to address the root causes of poverty and inequality in order to prevent the proliferation of revolution and crime. This requires a comprehensive and holistic approach that focuses on addressing systemic issues such as income inequality, lack of access to education and healthcare, and limited economic opportunities.

By Implementing economic policies that promote job creation, fair wages, and access to education and skills training. This will help people lift themselves out of poverty and provide them with the means to support their families.

By Increase access to affordable housing, healthcare, and social services for low-income individuals and families. This will help reduce financial stress and improve overall well-being.

Also, Encouraging investment in underprivileged communities to create opportunities for business development and economic growth and Providing financial assistance and support to small business owners and entrepreneurs in impoverished areas, enabling them to contribute to economic development in their communities.

By Improving access to basic infrastructure, such as clean water, sanitation, and electricity, in impoverished areas, to improve living conditions and support community development and Establishing and enforcement of fair labor laws and workplace regulations to protect workers from exploitation and ensure fair compensation for their work.

Supporting and promoting community-based organizations and programs that provide assistance and support to those living in poverty Also Strengthening social safety nets, such as unemployment benefits, food assistance, and healthcare coverage, to provide a safety net for individuals and families living in poverty.

Addressing systemic inequalities and discrimination that contribute to poverty, such as racism, sexism, and other forms of discrimination.
Creating and implementation of long-term strategies to address the root causes of poverty, such as lack of education and job opportunities, and work towards sustained economic development for all individuals and communities.

My conclusion, is that poverty is indeed the parent of revolution and crime, as it will lead to frustration, desperation, and a sense of hopelessness that drives individuals and communities to seek radical change or engage in criminal behavior. Addressing poverty requires concerted efforts to create a more equitable and just society, where all individuals have access to the resources and opportunities needed to thrive. Only then can we hope to break the cycle of poverty, revolution, and crime and build a more peaceful and prosperous Nigeria.

Abdulfalil Abayomi Odunowo
National Chairman AATSG
7th February, 2024.