No amount of lies and Fake News will stop the good, hard-work and Loyalty of the chief of staff Hon Femi Gbaja.

No amount of lies and Fake News will stop the good, hard-work and Loyalty of the chief of staff Hon Femi Gbaja.

I came across some malicious write-up being spread on social media against the character of the Chief of Staff, Hon. Femi Gbaja, and I must say, it is truly disheartening to see such baseless accusations directed at a public figure who has worked tirelessly for the betterment of our country. As a citizen of Nigeria, it deeply troubles me to witness the propagation of such hogwash, aimed at tarnishing the reputation of an individual who has dedicated his life to serving the nation.

What I find particularly baffling is the fact that people continue to propagate this type of malicious content without considering the damaging consequences it can have on the individual’s life and reputation. The extent to which individuals are willing to go to spread false information in the corridors of power is truly limitless. It begs the question, what drives these individuals to engage in such devilish projects?

It is clear that the writer of the malicious write-up must have imagined themselves as a key participant in high-level conversations with the President and his wife, making absurd allegations and appointing the Secretary to the Government to take over in their dreams. This kind of unfounded speculation is not only preposterous, but it also speaks volumes about the lack of integrity and honesty in the dissemination of information.

The intention behind spreading such fake news is to discredit a hardworking and loyal individual, and it is indeed a shameful act. The trial by media that Hon. Femi Gbaja is being subjected to is unjust and unwarranted. It is evident that those behind this malicious campaign are intent on tarnishing his character and creating unnecessary doubt in the minds of the public.

The question that arises is, what has Hon. Femi Gbaja done to deserve this kind of character assassination on social media? The answer, quite simply, is nothing. As a Chief of Staff, he has diligently fulfilled his duties, working in the best interest of the nation and its people. It is an absolute travesty to see him being targeted in such a reprehensible manner.

In light of these egregious allegations, I implore all well-meaning Nigerians to disregard the false information being circulated on social media. It is crucial that we exercise discernment and critical thinking when consuming information, especially when it pertains to the character of public figures. It is imperative that we do not allow ourselves to be swayed by baseless accusations and instead, seek the truth through reliable sources and evidence.

The propagation of fake news not only has the potential to ruin the lives and reputations of individuals but also undermines the fabric of our society. It is incumbent upon us as responsible citizens to reject and condemn the spread of malicious falsehoods and rumors. We must hold ourselves to a higher standard of integrity and honesty, both in our personal conduct and in the information we choose to believe and share.

In conclusion, I stand in solidarity with Hon. Femi Gbaja and decry the malicious attacks being leveled against his character. It is imperative that we collectively denounce the spread of falsehoods and disinformation, and instead, strive for a society grounded in truth, fairness, and justice. Let us not allow ourselves to be manipulated by those with malicious intent, and instead, uphold the values of honesty, integrity, and respect for all individuals, regardless of their position or status.

Otunba Abdulfalil Abayomi Odunowo
National Chairman AATSG
24th January, 2024