Nigeria as a country have been in worse scenario than this we surely came out on top. 

Nigeria as a country have been in worst scenario than this we surely came out on top.

Our current situation in Nigeria is one that is filled with both challenges and opportunities. As a country, we have experienced our fair share of struggles, but we have also seen tremendous growth and progress. This is the way I see Nigeria today – a nation that is navigating through difficult times, but one that also has the potential to rise above these challenges and emerge stronger than ever.

One of the most pressing issues facing Nigeria today is the state of our economy. We have experienced periods of economic downturn, with high inflation rates, a depreciating currency, and a lack of job opportunities for our young people. However, it is important to remember that every setback is an opportunity for a comeback. Nigeria is rich in natural resources, and we have the potential to diversify our economy and create new opportunities for growth. By investing in key sectors such as agriculture, technology, and manufacturing, we can create a more robust and resilient economy that can withstand future challenges.

Another major issue that Nigeria is grappling with is the issue of security. We have seen an increase in violence, terrorism, and criminal activities in certain regions of the country. This has created a sense of fear and uncertainty among our people, and has also hindered our ability to attract investment and create a safe and stable environment for businesses to thrive. However, it is important to remember that security is a multi-faceted issue that requires a comprehensive approach. By investing in our security forces, addressing the root causes of violence and conflict, and fostering a culture of peace and tolerance, we can create a safer and more secure Nigeria for all.

In addition to these challenges, Nigeria also faces issues related to governance and social development. There is a need for greater transparency, accountability, and good governance at all levels of society. Corruption and inefficiency have held back our progress for too long, and it is time for us to take a stand and demand better from our leaders. This is the way I see Nigeria today – a nation that is ready to embrace change and demand the best from those in power.

Despite these challenges, Nigeria also has a wealth of opportunities and potential for growth. Our young and dynamic population is filled with talented, ambitious, and resilient individuals who are ready to take on the world. Our cultural diversity, rich history, and natural beauty are assets that can be leveraged to create a thriving tourism industry. Our entrepreneurial spirit and innovative mindset can drive progress and free innovation in the fields of technology, healthcare, and education. This is the way I see Nigeria today – a country that is on the brink of a new era of growth and progress.

Our current situation in Nigeria is one that is filled with challenges, but also with opportunities for growth and development. As a nation, we must come together to address our issues and work towards building a brighter future for all. By investing in our economy, improving security and governance, and empowering our people, we can overcome our challenges and create a Nigeria that is prosperous, peaceful, and full of promise. This is the way I see Nigeria today – a nation that is ready to rise above its challenges and embrace a new era of growth and prosperity. Let us work together to make this vision a reality.

Nobody succeeds accidentally. Success is not a stroke of luck or a mere coincidence. It is a result of consistent effort, determination, and hard work. This is evident in every aspect of life, from the everyday achievements to the more significant accomplishments.

In sports, nobody wins a marathon accidentally. To excel in a marathon, athletes have to undergo rigorous training, maintain a disciplined diet, and adopt a focused mindset. They have to push themselves to the limits, endure pain and fatigue, and strive to improve their performance. It takes years of dedication and perseverance to reach a level where winning a marathon becomes a possibility. The same applies to the Olympics; nobody becomes a champion accidentally. Athletes train for hours on end, sacrifice personal time and energy, and make immense sacrifices to reach the pinnacle of their sport. It is their relentless pursuit of excellence that propels them to victory, not luck or chance.

Similarly, in academia, nobody gets a master’s degree accidentally. Masters students have to invest countless hours into studying, researching, and writing papers. They have to demonstrate a deep understanding of their field of study and produce innovative work that contributes to the body of knowledge. The same principle applies to obtaining a diploma or passing a graduate record examination (GRE); these achievements are the result of focused effort and dedication. Nobody attains these qualifications accidentally, as they require years of hard work and commitment.

Even in the professional world, nobody gets a promotion accidentally. It takes consistent performance, continuous learning, and a proactive attitude to stand out and earn a promotion. Employees have to demonstrate their value to their organization, take on additional responsibilities, and show leadership potential to move up the corporate ladder. Hard work, resilience, and a strong work ethic are key factors in securing a promotion, not random chance or mere luck.

The notion that success can be attained by accident or luck is a misconception. Some individuals may believe that simply praying or wishing for something will lead to success, but this is not the case. While faith and positive thinking can be powerful motivators, they are not substitutes for hard work and determination. Success requires actual effort, strategic planning, and a willingness to endure setbacks and challenges along the way.

Nobody succeeds accidentally. Whether it is in sports, academia, or the professional world, success is the result of intentional effort, consistent determination, and perseverance. It is the culmination of years of hard work and dedication, and not a stroke of luck or coincidence. While faith and positive thinking are important, they cannot replace the fundamental principles of success – hard work, resilience, and a proactive attitude. Therefore, it is crucial for individuals to understand that success is not accidental, but rather the outcome of deliberate action and unwavering commitment.

There must be work, there must be sweat, there must be labor, this is Agriculture. Agriculture is the backbone of any society, providing the food and resources that sustain life. When we think of agriculture, we envision farm fields, tractors, and farmers toiling in the sun. But agriculture is much more than just physical labor. It is a process that begins with the intention of sowing a seed of wheat  and ends with the satisfaction of having bread on the table.

The intention of sowing a seed is not simply to see it grow, but to nurture it into a healthy, productive plant. The farmer must prepare the soil, sow the seed, water it, and protect it from pests and diseases. This requires hard work and dedication, as well as a deep understanding of the land and the plants being cultivated. It is a labor of love, as the farmer invests time and effort into each seed with the hope of a bountiful harvest.

The intention of having wheat is not just to possess a crop, but to transform it into a staple food that can nourish and sustain. Wheat is a versatile grain that can be milled into flour and used to make bread, pasta, and other foods. The farmer must carefully tend to the wheat as it grows, ensuring that it receives the right amount of sunlight, water, and nutrients. Once the wheat is harvested, it must be processed and stored to preserve its quality and nutritional value. This requires skill and expertise, as well as the right equipment and facilities.

From seed to wheat to bread takes time. Agriculture is a time-consuming process that cannot be rushed. The farmer must patiently wait for the seed to germinate, the plant to grow, and the crop to mature. This requires patience and perseverance, as well as the ability to adapt to the changing seasons and weather conditions. The farmer must also be prepared for setbacks and challenges, like Nigeria is seeing today such as drought, flooding, or disease outbreaks. It is a constant struggle to balance the needs of the crops with the limitations of the environment.

I can’t plant a seed today and eat bread tonight. Agriculture is not just about the end result, but the journey that leads to it. It is a long and arduous process that requires dedication and hard work. The farmer must be willing to put in the effort and make sacrifices in order to achieve success. This may mean working long hours in the field, investing in new technology and equipment, or taking calculated risks to improve productivity.

Agriculture is the foundation of civilization, providing the food and resources that sustain life. It is a challenging and rewarding profession that requires passion, skill, and innovation. The intention of sowing a seed is not just to see it grow, but to transform it into a valuable commodity that can nourish and sustain. The intention of having wheat is not just to possess a crop, but to create a source of sustenance that can be shared with others. From seed to wheat to bread takes time, but the results are worth the effort.

In conclusion, agriculture is a labor of love that requires hard work, dedication, and skill. The intention of sowing a seed is not just to see it grow, but to transform it into a valuable commodity that can nourish and sustain. The intention of having wheat is not just to possess a crop, but to create a source of sustenance that can be shared with others. From seed to wheat to bread takes time, but the results are worth the effort. Agriculture is the foundation of civilization, providing the food and resources that sustain life. It is a challenging and rewarding profession that shapes the world we live in.

Otunba Abdulfalil Abayomi Odunowo

National Chairman AATSG

20th February, 2024.