Hardworking Nigerian citizens have some hard choices to make going forward – Abayomi Odunowo.

Hardworking Nigerian citizens have some hard choices to make going forward – Abayomi Odunowo.

We honestly must be realistic in our expectations from Tinubu Ahmed Tinubu Led Government. When he first took office, he was faced with a multitude of challenges, including an empty treasury, the worst security situation ever, and widespread poverty. However, instead of shying away from these issues, he took a stand and refused to let the status quo continue. He recognized that the bleeding of the Naira needed to be stopped, and he made the courageous decision to confront these issues head-on.

One of the first things Tinubu did was to assess the current state of the economy and make it clear to the Nigerian people exactly where they stood financially. This transparency was crucial in order to move forward and make informed decisions about the future of the country. He also took on some of the most lucrative fleecing instruments of the country’s elite, effectively challenging their grip on the nation’s resources.

However, Tinubu’s efforts did not go unnoticed by the entrenched political and economic powers in Nigeria. The cabal, determined to maintain their stranglehold on the country, fought back in a variety of ways. First, they artificially inflated the price of fuel, making it unaffordable for many Nigerians. This tactic not only put a strain on the wallets of the people but also disrupted the economy as a whole.

Secondly, the cabal targeted the foreign exchange market, driving up the value of the dollar and making it nearly impossible for businesses to operate effectively. This manipulation of currency exchange rates further destabilized the already fragile economy, creating more hardships for the average Nigerian.

The cabal didn’t stop there – they also launched a campaign to turn the people against Tinubu. By spreading misinformation and stoking public discontent, they sought to portray him as incompetent and uncaring, blaming him for the hardships caused by their own actions. This psychological warfare was meant to undermine Tinubu’s authority and weaken his influence.

Furthermore, the cabal resorted to violence and insecurity in an attempt to sow fear and panic among the Nigerian people. Across the country, they orchestrated brutal attacks, creating a sense of chaos and uncertainty. Their goal was to create a situation where people would no longer trust Tinubu’s leadership, and would instead clamor for a return to the status quo.

In spite of these challenges, it is important for us to recognize the larger picture. We need to question the actions of the cabal and their motives. Are we willing to be swayed by their manipulation and misinformation, or are we ready to stand up and challenge them?

It is clear that Tinubu is not without his flaws, and there are certainly areas where he can improve. However, it is also crucial for us to acknowledge the challenges he faces and the obstacles that have been put in his path. It is easy to be swayed by emotions and the propaganda of the cabal, but we need to be rational and analytical in our assessment of the situation.

Moreover, Tinubu’s efforts have not gone unnoticed. He has taken steps to address the root causes of Nigeria’s problems. For too long, we have relied on spirituality and prayers as a substitute for real action and innovation. Tinubu has recognized the need for tangible solutions and has made strides in confronting these issues.

It is important for us, as Nigerians, to take a hard look at where we stand. Are we willing to be led astray by the machinations of the cabal, or are we ready to stand up and demand a better future for our country? This will not be a quick or easy process, but it is essential for us to work towards a Nigeria that works for all its people.

Otunba Abdulfalil Abayomi Odunowo
National Chairman AATSG
5th February, 2024.