What exactly is going on within the leadership of AFENIFERE? -Abayomi Odunowo.

What exactly is going on within the leadership of AFENIFERE? -Abayomi Odunowo.

So that history does not repeat itself, the organic handover of leadership in Afenifere is not in question and that was done on the 12th of March, 2021, I really do not understand the purpose of this new arrangement being orchestrated by some members of Afenifere.

First and foremost, it is important to acknowledge the rich history and tradition of Afenifere. This pan-Yoruba socio-cultural organization has been at the forefront of advocating for the rights and interests of the Yoruba people for well over six decades. Its leadership has always been based on a sense of collective responsibility and consensus-building, with a focus on the greater good of the Yoruba nation. It is in this spirit that the organic handover of leadership has always been a fundamental principle of Afenifere.

On the 12th of March, 2021, the leadership of Afenifere was peacefully and democratically passed on to a new set of leaders, following the tradition and ethos of the organization. This transition was widely embraced and celebrated by members and supporters of Afenifere, as it symbolized continuity and unity within the organization. It was a moment that reaffirmed the values and principles that have guided Afenifere for generations.

However, it is disheartening to see that some members of Afenifere are now attempting to orchestrate a new arrangement that goes against the organic handover of leadership. This new arrangement seems to be driven by individual ambitions and personal agendas, rather than the collective interests of the Yoruba people. It is a departure from the principles that have long defined Afenifere, and it threatens to undermine the unity and cohesion of the organization.

It is crucial to understand that the purpose of Afenifere is not to serve the ambitions of a few individuals, but to collectively work towards the progress and development of the Yoruba nation. The organic handover of leadership is a reflection of this collective ethos, as it ensures that the organization remains true to its founding principles and values. Any deviation from this tradition only serves to sow discord and division within Afenifere, and it ultimately weakens the organization’s ability to effectively advocate for the interests of the Yoruba people.

Furthermore, it is important to consider the broader implications of this new arrangement. Afenifere has always been a driving force for social, political, and economic development in Yorubaland. Its leadership has played a pivotal role in shaping the direction of the Yoruba nation, and it has been instrumental in advancing the interests of the Yoruba people on various fronts. Any disruption to the organic handover of leadership undermines the stability and continuity of the organization, and it raises questions about the future trajectory of Afenifere.

The purpose of the new arrangement being orchestrated by some members of Afenifere is unclear and troubling. It goes against the longstanding tradition of organic leadership handover within the organization, and it threatens to undermine the unity and cohesion of Afenifere. It is imperative that members of Afenifere come together to uphold the principles and values that have guided the organization for decades, and to ensure that its leadership remains true to the collective interests of the Yoruba people. Anything less would be a disservice to the rich history and tradition of Afenifere, and it would compromise the organization’s ability to effectively advocate for the rights and interests of the Yoruba nation.

Below is the details of the handover of 17th of March, 2021.

Welcome to this very important meeting of our dear organization, AFENIFERE. I extend my deepest appreciation to each and every one of you for taking the time to be here despite the challenges we are currently facing. The Covid-19 pandemic, the rampant kidnappings, and killings on our highways have made it increasingly difficult for us to come together, but your dedication and commitment to the values and ideals of our organization is truly commendable.

As we gather here today, it is important to reflect on the significance of AFENIFERE and the principles it represents. The word AFENIFERE was coined to embody the core values of the ACTION GROUP, highlighting the principles of egalitarianism, democratic social welfare, and a life more abundant for all. These are the virtues that the Yoruba race holds dear, and our organization has consistently upheld and applied these values with integrity over the years. As a result, AFENIFERE has earned the trust and support of the Yoruba people across the board.

The preeminence of AFENIFERE over all other Yoruba organizations is owed to the astuteness, commitment, and self-sacrifice of our founding fathers, led by Chief Obafemi Awolowo, the leader of AFENIFERE and ASIWAJU of Yoruba land. His vision and leadership have set the foundation for our organization, and it is our responsibility to uphold the legacy and continue to advance the cause of the Yoruba people.

In the face of the current challenges, it is imperative for us to stand united and resolute in our commitment to the ideals of AFENIFERE. The Covid-19 pandemic has posed unprecedented challenges to our society, affecting the health and livelihoods of our people. AFENIFERE must play a key role in advocating for policies and initiatives that prioritize the welfare and well-being of the Yoruba people. We cannot afford to falter in our mission to ensure a better and more abundant life for all Yoruba people.

Furthermore, the spate of kidnappings and killings on our highways is a matter of grave concern. The safety and security of our people must be at the forefront of our agenda. AFENIFERE must work tirelessly to collaborate with relevant authorities and stakeholders to address this pressing issue and ensure the safety and security of our communities. We cannot allow the perpetrators of these heinous crimes to instill fear and insecurity among our people. It is our duty to protect and safeguard the lives of every Yoruba individual.

As we move forward, let us recommit ourselves to the values and principles of AFENIFERE. Let us stand together in unity and compassion, and let us work diligently to advance the cause of the Yoruba people. Our organization has a rich history and a proud legacy, and it is incumbent upon us to carry this torch forward with unwavering dedication and resolve. Together, we can overcome the challenges that confront us and build a brighter future for all Yoruba people.

I want to thank each and every one of you for your unwavering support and commitment to AFENIFERE. Together, we can achieve great things and continue to uphold the values and ideals of our organization. Let us forge ahead with determination and purpose, knowing that our efforts will make a meaningful difference in the lives of our people.

Chief Awolowo (GCFR) was undeniably a visionary and dedicated leader who demonstrated exceptional integrity and selflessness in his service to the Yoruba people. His leadership of AFENIFERE and his role as ASIWAJU of the Yoruba people set a high standard for others to follow. His personal sacrifices for the betterment of the Yoruba race have yet to be rivaled to this day.

Under Awolowo’s guidance, AFENIFERE became a robust and highly disciplined organization, with articulate leaders who were committed to its mission. This solid foundation, laid by Awolowo, contributed to the seeming invincibility of AFENIFERE that is enjoyed today. Additionally, his foresight in establishing a clear path of leadership succession ensured a seamless transition when Chief Michel Adekunle Ajasin took up the mantle after him.

Chief Ajasin continued the legacy of disciplined and forthright leadership with integrity. His unwavering commitment to the Yoruba cause, even in the face of challenges posed by the General Sani Abacha regime, further enhanced the credibility of Afenifere. However, the subsequent leadership contest within the organization after Ajasin’s departure led to a division that has impacted the unity of the organization.

The leadership of Chief Awolowo and Chief Ajasin has left a lasting legacy of focused and farsighted leadership with integrity, setting a high standard for future leaders to aspire to within AFENIFERE.

As a leader, I am acutely aware of the weight of responsibility that comes with entrusted leadership. It is a burden that I willingly carry, understanding that the decisions I make today will shape the future for generations to come. I do not want to be remembered for letting history repeat itself under my watch. I owe it as a duty to the memory of our founding fathers and to us all, the beneficiaries of this lofty legacy.

Our founding fathers sacrificed their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to establish a nation built on the principles of freedom, equality, and justice. They envisioned a society where every individual has the opportunity to thrive, where the rule of law prevails, and where the voice of the people is heard. It is a vision that has withstood the test of time, and it is incumbent upon us to uphold and protect it.

I cannot stand idly by and allow the mistakes of the past to be repeated. I owe it to the memory of our founding fathers and to all those who have fought for the values we hold dear to be a vigilant guardian of our nation’s future. It is my duty to ensure that the flame of liberty continues to burn bright, that the ideals of our founding fathers remain steadfast, and that the promise of America endures for generations to come.

The reign of Chief Abraham Aderibigbe Adesanya was indeed a momentous and significant period in the history of Afenifere. His steadfast leadership during a time of desertions and betrayals showcased his integrity and valor, marking a truly indelible imprint in the annals of the organization. Chief Adesanya, alongside his colleagues, led NADECO with resounding success, culminating in the victory of all candidates of the Alliance for Democracy (AD) in the 1999 election.

Chief Adesanya’s tenure was characterized by a dedication to the emancipation of the Yoruba race from the shackles of ignorance, poverty, and servitude under pseudo-imperialist and modern-day colonialist forces. He followed in the footsteps of selfless leaders such as Chief Obafemi Awolowo and Chief Ajasin, laying the groundwork for a Nigeria that would permit the Yoruba people and their region to thrive and prosper.

Upon his passing, Chief Adesanya graciously named a successor, underscoring the continuity of the struggle for a better future for the Yoruba people. Since assuming leadership in 2008, the organization has been engaged on two unrelenting fronts – combating the economic and social strangulation of the Yoruba land and addressing the defective structural arrangement manipulated and dominated by the north to the disadvantage of the south through a fraudulent and unacceptable constitution.

The legacy of Chief Abraham Aderibigbe Adesanya and the ongoing efforts of Afenifere serve as a testament to the enduring quest for justice, empowerment, and progress for the Yoruba people, and indeed all Nigerians.

AFENIFERE, the pan-Yoruba socio-cultural and political organization, has been a prominent force in fighting for the rights and interests of the Yoruba people for over six decades. However, in recent times, the organization has faced monumental challenges that threaten the very core of its existence. The invasion of our culture and pride as a people by monstrous forces requires a more agile and active leadership that can combat these threats effectively. At 95, I, as the current leader of AFENIFERE, acknowledge that I am hardly able to provide such leadership. Therefore, it is time for me to step aside and make way for a more dynamic and capable leader to take charge.

It is evident that AFENIFERE’s current approach and organization are not sufficient to address the challenges facing the Yoruba people. The organization needs to adapt and evolve in order to effectively safeguard the interests of the Yoruba nation. It requires a more proactive and strategic approach to combat the forces that seek to undermine our culture, values, and heritage. This can only be achieved with a more efficient and forward-thinking leadership at the helm.

It is essential to recognize that whatever achievements AFENIFERE has made over the years have been the result of collective leadership. The organization’s success is attributed to the collaborative efforts of its members, guided by a leadership model that fosters cooperation and unity. In this regard, it is important to pay tribute to the dedicated colleagues who have tirelessly worked to uphold the ideals of AFENIFERE. Specifically, the late Chief Olaniwun Ajayi and Chief Ayo Adebanjo have been exemplary in their commitment to the organization.

The passing of Chief Olaniwun Ajayi was a significant loss, but it did not diminish the dedication of Chief Ayo Adebanjo to the cause of AFENIFERE. Chief Olaniwun Ajayi’s legacy continues to shine as a beacon of light for the upcoming generations of AFENIFERE and the Yoruba race as a whole. His contribution and steadfastness have left an indelible mark on the organization’s history. Chief Ayo Adebanjo, on the other hand, has exhibited an unwavering passion for AFENIFERE and the Yoruba people. His commitment and resilience in the face of challenges have made him a prominent figure synonymous with the organization.

However, it is crucial to acknowledge that while the efforts of individuals like Chief Ayo Adebanjo have been invaluable, a more efficient and dynamic leadership is necessary to navigate the current landscape of challenges. The threats facing the Yoruba people are formidable and require a leader with the vision and capabilities to address them effectively. AFENIFERE needs a leader who can inspire unity, innovation, and resilience in the face of adversity.

AFENIFERE is at a critical juncture that necessitates a new leadership approach and organizational strategy. The invasion of our culture and pride as a people demands a more robust and effective response. As the current leader, I recognize the need to step aside and make way for a leader who can provide the necessary agility and active engagement to address the challenges at hand. I am confident that with the right leadership, AFENIFERE will continue to be a formidable force in championing the interests of the Yoruba people and preserving our rich heritage for future generations.

As we celebrate the success of AFENIFERE today, I cannot help but express my deepest gratitude to the individuals who have been instrumental in shaping the organization and leading it to where it stands today. I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to Chief Ayo Adebanjo, a true political leader of the Awolowo School of thought, for his unwavering commitment and dedication to the ideals of AFENIFERE. His leadership has been invaluable, and I deeply appreciate him for his continuous efforts in advancing the cause of the organization.

I would also like to express my gratitude to Chief Olu Falae, Senator C.O. Adebayo, Senator Femi Okunrounmu, Dr. Olusegun Mimiko, and Chief Femi Aluko for their immense contributions to AFENIFERE. Their wisdom, experience, and tireless efforts have been crucial in shaping the organization’s policies and strategies. Their commitment to the Yoruba cause has been inspiring, and I am truly grateful for their support.

I also want to acknowledge the dedication and hard work of the individuals who have held key positions within the organization. Chief Supo Shonibare, the organization’s treasurer, and HRH OBA Oladipo Olaitan, the organization’s financial secretary, have played pivotal roles in managing the financial affairs of AFENIFERE. Their commitment to transparency and accountability has been instrumental in ensuring the organization’s success.

Furthermore, I would like to thank the organizing secretary Abagun Kole Omololu, the publicity secretary Vinka Odumakin, and the Secretary-General Bashorun Arogbofa for their hard work and dedication in carrying out the day-to-day operations of AFENIFERE. Their tireless efforts have been essential in coordinating the various activities of the organization and raising awareness about its mission and values.

I am also proud to announce Chief Ayo Adebanjo as the Acting Leader of AFENIFERE and His Royal Highness Kabiyesi Oba Oladipo Olaitan as the Deputy Leader. Their leadership and guidance will be crucial in steering the organization towards greater heights, and I urge all members to offer them their full support and cooperation.

I am deeply grateful for the support and dedication of all the individuals who have worked tirelessly to make AFENIFERE what it is today. Their unwavering commitment to the organization’s goals has been truly inspiring, and I am honored to have had the opportunity to work alongside such dedicated individuals.

As we celebrate our success today, I want to reiterate my lifelong commitment to AFENIFERE and its values. I will continue to be a loyal and dedicated member of the organization until my last breath. I urge all members to join me in upholding the principles of AFENIFERE and working towards the advancement of the Yoruba people.

In closing, I want to express my gratitude to everyone who has supported AFENIFERE and contributed to its success. I am confident that with the continued dedication and support of its members, AFENIFERE will continue to make a positive impact in the lives of the Yoruba people. Thank you all, and God bless AFENIFERE.

Chief (DR) Reuben Famuyide FASORANTI(OFR)
16th March 2021.
God bless you
God bless AFENIFERE Oodua a gbe wa ooo